64 research outputs found

    Supply chain concept: a case study

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    Neostrategic outsourcing

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    Supply chain management

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    Outsourcing: analysis of Slovenian companies

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    StrateŔki razvoj nevladnih organizacij v Sloveniji

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    Strategic management of outsourcing

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    Review of faecal pellet-group count methods for estimating deer numbers

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    Poznavanje Ŕtevilčnosti in lokalnih gostot populacij rastlinojedih parkljarjevje pomembno pri reŔevanju Ŕtevilnih upravljavskih in temeljno-bioloŔkih vpraŔanj. Po svetu se za ocenjevanje Ŕtevilčnosti parkljarjev pogosto uporabljajo metode Ŕtetja kupčkov iztrebkov, ki pa so pri nas ostale več ali manj prezrte. Z namenom spodbujanja njihove rabe smo pripravili celosten pregled metod s priporočili za Slovenijo. Uveljavljena stadva načina izvedbe, t.j. s predhodnim čiŔčenjem in brez čiŔčenja kupčkov iztrebkovpri slednjem moramo oceniti tudi čas razgradnje iztrebkov, ki se lahko med mikrohabitati in letnimi časi močno spreminja, zato tega načina ne priporočamo. Vzorčenje lahko poteka na vzorčnih ploskvah različnih oblik in velikosti ali z metodo linijskega transektaizbira konkretne metode je odvisna od pričakovane gostote parkljarjev in preglednosti terena, ki pogojujemožnost zaznavanja iztrebkov. Zaradi heterogenosti habitatov je raziskovalno območje priporočljivo predhodno stratificirati po habitatni primernosti glede na pričakovane gostote parkljarjev. Stopnje iztrebljanja (t.j. Ŕtevilo izločenih kupčkov iztrebkov / dan) se znotraj vrst spreminjajo glede na letni čas, spol in starost živali, vendar zaradi primerljivosti rezultatov svetujemo uporabo konstantnih stopenj (za jelenjad 25 in za srnjad 20 kupčkov iztrebkov) ter večkratno ponovitev vzorčenja v različnih letnih časih, s čimer pokrijemo sezonske razlike v rabi prostora. Na natančnost rezultatov vplivata predvsem priprava in izvedba vzorčenja, zato je treba tej fazi dela posvetiti veliko pozornost.Knowledge of abundance and local densities of deer populations is important inmanagement as well as in biological context. Faecal pellet-group count method, widely used around the world for estimating deer numbers, has been almost neglected in our country. Therefore, we have prepared a comprehensive overview of the method with recommendations for Slovenia to enhance its use. In principle, there are two ways to perform the faecal pellet-group count method, i.e. clearance plot and standing crop method. The latter is not recommended in a daily management practice, as it requires faecal pellet-groupdecay rate estimation, which is rather season and microhabitat specific. Sampling can be done on sampling plots of different shapes and sizesor with the line transect method. Sampling design depends on expected deer densities and ground cover dependent pellet-group detectability. Since distinct habitats are used differentially by the deer, study area stratification on specific habitat types regarding the expected deer densitiesis recommended. Within the species, defecation rates (i.e. number of pellet-groups per day) vary according to season, animal age and gendernevertheless, due to comparative reasons we recommend the use of constant defecation rates (i.e. 25 for the red deer, 20 for the roe deer, respectively). Moreover, multiple samplings are needed to cover seasonal variety in habitat use. Sampling design is of a major importance for the success of the method and has the biggest impact on the precision of deer numbers/densities estimates, therefore much effort should be devoted to this stage


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    Unlike profit organisations, which pursue profitable goals under the influence of influential stakeholders, the interests of stakeholders in nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) are much less uniform. The paper aims to focus on the contribution and the characteristics of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Slovenia, and the conflicting interests as well as the impact of internal and external stakeholders of NGOs. The purpose of this paper is to conduct an empirical analysis of the key infl uences of internal and external stakeholders. Our intention is to determine the relations between the interests of influential stakeholders and the performance of the organisations in question, as well as to define the understanding of performance from the viewpoint of NGOsā€™ management. We confirmed the hypothesis proposing that the external influences of stakeholders have a greater impact on the performance than the internal infl uences. We found out that public relations, advocacy, fundraising and regularity have a statistically significant influence on the NGOsā€™ mission. Complexity and heterogeneity of non-governmental organisations could be counted among the most important research limitations. From the aspect of scientific contribution in the geographical area of Central Europe, i.e. a former communist state, a country in transition economy, it was thus far impossible to find contributions to empirically examine the impact of stakeholders on the development of nongovernmental organisations; therefore, the study described in the article is unique in this area.Za razliku od profitnih organizacija koje ostvaruju profitabilne ciljeve pod utjecajem snažnih interesno-utjecajnih skupina, interesi interesno-utjecajnih skupina u nevladinim organizacijama mnogo su manje ujednačeni. Cilj rada je fokusirati se na doprinos i obilježja nevladinih organizacija u Sloveniji, na sukobljene interese kao i na utjecaj unutarnjih i vanjskih interesno-utjecajnih skupina nevladinih organizacija. Svrha ovog rada je provesti empirijsku analizu ključnih utjecaja unutarnjih i vanjskih interesno-utjecajnih skupina. Namjera je utvrditi odnose između interesa utjecajnih vanjskih interesno-utjecajnih skupina i poslovanja organizacija o kojima je riječ, kao i definirati razumijevanje poslovanja iz perspektive menadžmenta nevladinih organizacija. Potvrdili smo hipotezu kako vanjski utjecaji interesno-utjecajnih skupina imaju veći utjecaj na poslovanje od unutarnjih utjecaja. Otkrili smo da odnosi s javnoŔću, aktivizam, prikupljanje sredstava i konzistentnost imaju statistički značajan utjecaj na misiju nevladinih organizacija. Složenost i heterogenost nevladinih organizacija mogu se ubrojiti u najvažnija ograničenja istraživanja. S aspekta znanstvenog doprinosa na području Srednje Europe, u bivÅ”oj komunističkoj, tranzicijskoj zemlja je dosada bilo nemoguće pronaći doprinos koji empirijski ispituje utjecaj interesno-utjecajnih skupina na razvoj nevladinih organizacija, stoga je opisano istraživanje jedinstveno u ovom području
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